Content creation is hard. Why?

Recently I've been facing an ever present omen in my creative life. The message beamed to me like a lighthouse on a foggy night is that, content creation is hard. Making stuff is hard. Today I'm here to ask why, and what can we do about it?

Well no 1, what's so hard about it? What's hard about it seems to be focusing on projects, project realism, motivation for projects, finishing projects, finding time to do projects, and presenting them in a way that matters. A couple of these issues are self explanatory, like motivation and time and whatnot, but I'll go into detail for the ones that require it.

No 2, what can we do about these issues? Project focusing is an issue of commitment and Adderall. By learning to use our ADHD to our advantage and being medicated we should be able to focus our obsessions and scope to just one project, once we get bored we can drop it but we need to just drop it. Commit to an idea or let it die, put that shit into archive or the trash immediately if you're not working on it. If it doesn't work that's fine, but it needs to go if it's not working. Kill your darlings blah blah blah.

With project realism we need to manage our expectations to make projects that are do-able but also interesting. I think a big part of the issue has to do with the fact that we have no money to execute most projects so actually finishing most real world projects is unrealistic for us. A solution would be trying to learn how to model, draw, simulate, and animate in way that once we do get the money, we can just build the project but know how it goes together beforehand. Like making preliminary analyses, studies, and concept projects instead of just trying to build the actual thing. We could also build models if that is required for said project. Just try to really prototype out the concept as best we can.

Alongside that, motivation is mainly an issue because we rarely see output due to these projects being non-operational in their current state due to the lack of funds to complete them. I think that prototypes idea is a good one that should lead to more motivation.

Finishing projects is hard but necessary as the point is the end. I think we can take lessons from the cult of done manifesto and learn to fail forward, destroy projects, and treat everything as a draft as way to leapfrog into the next one.

Time management is a big issue for us and I think we need to better sort out our priorities, they occasionally fall apart but ADHD meds and learning to use our calendar more, time blocking, and setting realistic goals as to what we're gonna accomplish in a day, will all help this whole time management thing. It is real, and not just something used like POS finance hustle bros.

Last issue is presenting them in a way that matters, I think better planning and committing to presentations, trying not to do both a website article and a video, only just one, will definitely help.

This was kind of an unstructured rant but I'm glad I made it as it definitely helps show holes in my creative process, sorry if it's a bit rushed but I want to post this to work on literally anything else. Thank you for reading, I hope this helped someone, bye!