Reading is actually not that scary guys!
I've been reading a book called Artemis.
Awesome read.
I don't think I'm super picky with my books but I know this one is up my alley.
It's really interesting. And only 300 pages!
I think I've realized there's a connection between reading and binging series, they're the same.
If you can binge a series in 3 days, you can read a 300 page book in probably a week.
Seriously I'm now realizing they are the exact same thing except one of them is basically just cooler
and better and you get to be more pretentious about it. I won't be (pretentious) but I am having a lot of fun
reading, you should try it if you see fit. Check out your local library, as that's probably a good start.
Update: I meant to publish this yesterday but I ended up finishing the book and it was pretty good!
It was like a teenage drama mixed with sci fi heist style book. It was a fun read.
I'll hopefully be reading more sci-fi in the future.