
This website is no longer under active development.

Thank you to all my viewers, followers, and friends on neocities, but I've moved over to GitHub Pages at least for the time being. The reasons why I'm leaving are majority because I didn't like the structure of having to do everything for my website completely manually and GitHub Pages has support for Jekyll which makes posting a lot easier and site maintenance much more hassle free. I'm very grateful for the ideas and platform neocities has provided me, and if it weren't for neocities I probably wouldn't have a website running today. For that I am eternally grateful, but for now though, it seems time to move on. I will still highly recommend neocities to anyone looking to make their own place on the indieweb and for the community and support it so lovingly provides. I also will keep my account open not just to funnel people to my new website, but because I love the people and content this platform has to offer, so I'll still be around as a viewer. My new website is currently under the domain
https://tinkerjae.github.io/ and I will update this page and any others if the domain changes again. Thank you again to everyone, and if you still want to read my content or keep in touch, I am reachable through my new website.

Per audacia ad astra,


Hello and welcome to Tinker Jae!
This is my blog/website where I post stuff about my life, stuff I like, and stuff I'm working on or have worked on. I've made this site to try and get away from modern social media and to have my own place on the internet. If you want to know more, check out my manifesto. If you're trying to find something specific, you'd be best checking out the sitemap below. I hope you enjoy the site, and thank you for stopping by!


Home: Home! We start here and press onwards.
Projects: Projects! It's stuff I'm working on, both good and bad.
Blog: Blurbs about my life :)
Misc: The junk drawer of my site. Stuff that doesn't have a place anywhere else goes here.

Links/Contact Me

- Youtube
- Neocities
- Github
- Email
- Guestbook

If you'd like to check out my other stuff, visit my social links right there. If you want to leave a message or start a chat, just email me or leave a note on my guestbook. I'm very willing to answer any questions about tech, guns, music and other things. Don't be afraid to reach out, I love to chat with just about anyone.


I'm apart of the Maker Webring


Thank you for visiting my site. Here, take some blinkies for the road. Psst. Here's a link to my blinkie and code if you want it.